
Can a CofE minister allow a non-religious funeral to take place in her church?

A non-Christian funeral is not permitted in a church, but it is worth bearing in mind that a family looking for a totally non-Christian funeral cannot really achieve that in a church anyway - by its very nature, the building, the furnishings, the stained glass etc, all speak of the Christian faith

Can a non-UK resident witness a CofE marriage?

Yes they can. However if their first language is not English then there is a need to ensure they understand enough of the service to know what being a witness means and understand what they are signing for in the register.

Do first, middle and/or surnames need to be used in the vows and declarations?

The Christian names, or at least the first Christian name of the bride and the groom should be used.

Are middle names required for the reading of the banns?

The requirement for the reading of the banns of marriage is that the names clearly identify the couple to be married, ie, the names by which they are usually known. Christian and surnames should therefore be all that is required for banns, and middle names may, but need not be included.


Questions and answers that often arise in funerals ministry are given in this section, but if there?s something more you?d like to know, use these pages to ask for help.

Is there a minimum age for godparents?

Question about minimum age for godparents.

Can I conduct a Church of England funeral in a woodland burial site or other unconsecrated ground?

Yes it is possible to do so, but you must first bless the grave - See Common Worship Pastoral Services p.296.

Do parents have to be baptized?

There is no requirement for the parents to be baptized. But they should feel able to support the child in their faith journey, and this may eventually lead to conversations about their own baptism.

How can I combine a marriage service with a baptism?

There are some guidelines available for this <a href="" target="_blank">just here>></a>

Is there any way we can accept godparents who are not baptized?

Godparents must have been baptized. They should normally also have been confirmed but the vicar has a discretion to dispense with the requirement for confirmation (but not the requirement for baptism) in a particular case.

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