
Can I conduct a Church of England funeral in a woodland burial site or other unconsecrated ground?

Yes it is possible to do so, but you must first bless the grave - See Common Worship Pastoral Services p.296.

How can I combine a marriage service with a baptism?

There are some guidelines available for this <a href="" target="_blank">just here>></a>

Does a Church of England funeral have to have a commendation?

If the Common Worship funeral service is used, the service must include a prayer of entrusting or commending the departed to God's mercy: the commendation is not an optional part of the service. The Series One burial service provides the option of including words of commendation in the prayer of

I have a bride who wants to have bridesmaids entering the church first, ahead of her entrance. Is this ok?

The custom of bridesmaids entering church first before the bride is popular at weddings in the US. The entrance and exit of the bridal party is purely a matter of custom, not law, so if a bride wishes to have bridesmaids entering the church first, that is fine.

Can I refuse a marriage service to be filmed?

You have discretion on whether the filming of a service may take place. However, very careful consideration should be given before refusing to allow the filming of a marriage service if the couple have requested it.

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